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Today I will do what others won’t

Do what other's won't

If you want to get ahead in life and achieve success ahead of your peers or competitors, then you must do something that nobody else is doing.

Sounds logical yet 90% of the population never acts upon this information.

If you truly want to be ahead, then you must change your strategy - not just a little bit but intentionally.

You must do something that others are not willing to do for whatever reason, perhaps because of self-doubt, fear, hesitations or laziness. You must do that thing that others are not doing if you want to see different results from others.

If you do this long enough with the right intensity and perseverance, then it will get you to a level where few people, or depending on what you do, probably nobody else has ever been before.

There are 7 billion people on this planet and to indeed do something that has absolutely never been done before might be difficult. But before you can do anything significant and anything outstanding, you must have a set of tools that would enable you.

​What are these tools?

First of all, you must have a greater focus and concentration than other people. You need to be able to set goals and achieve them. You must have the physical stamina and mental toughness it takes to get to where you want. You also need perseverance, grit, determination and 100% commitment.

Those are the tools that will make you successful. Who can beat somebody who is just more committed? Or one who is more persevering? Just as it is very difficult to beat the guy that never give up.

This brings to mind the story of Walt Disney, founder of Disney Entertainment. As a young man, Walt Disney was fired from a local newspaper as his boss thought he lacked creativity. After a failed animation company went under, he was barely able to pay his bills even ate dog food to survive. With his last few dollars, Walt Disney made his way to Hollywood to try and make it big. Unfortunately, his early time in Hollywood was just as bad. He was told Mickey Mouse would fail, faced constant rejection and seemed destined never to succeed. But Walt persisted and went on to grow the company with amusement parks, feature films, and is now known as a cultural icon.

I am sure you understand how - you need those tools first before you can do anything significant.

Since none of those “tools” are taught in school, you must learn them someplace else, and this is where I come in.

My name is Sensei Marcus Hinschberger and my wife Christina, and I are the owners of Tokon Martial Arts. As a martial arts couple, we are considered by others to be experts and a leading authority when it comes to enabling people to do things beyond their beliefs.

We have taught thousands of students around the globe how to strengthen and build up commitment and how to develop an “unstoppable” mindset. We help our students to set goals, and accomplish them. We teach them how to gain more confidence and build higher self-esteem. We help students to increase their focus, have more grit and learn how to persevere. We teach them how to shake off setbacks and try it again one more time.

In our Karate school, we create a high achiever atmosphere that will inspire the student not only to stay on track but to keep improving. We strengthen confidence, reduce fear, anxiety, and doubts.

We teach our students to excel, improve and to overcome. The family-friendly atmosphere that we have at our school creates a circle of friends that are supportive, inspiring and motivating to excel.

If you reach black belt level at Tokon Martial Arts, you will have done what many others will never do or accomplish, and you will have not only a different outlook on life but have the tools to succeed in your career and if desired make it take off.

If you are ready to make a wise decision for yourself, your son, your daughter or for your whole family then come and visit us at Tokon Martial Arts in Sacramento.

The right time for self-development is always NOW! Come get the tools to accomplish more than others, visit us today!

For more information please click this link Tokon Martial Arts Sacramento
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